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Apple Juice
30 septembre 2007

Be honest

I have been writing this blog for a while now. I have been writing in French and English hoping that I would get readers from different countries. Now, in the eight odd months that I have doing this blog, I have only ever had 3 (!) comments in English....
29 septembre 2007

Minute culturelle

Minute culturelle
This year means homework for my big one so a pencil case to keep at home was ordered. He chose the fabrics. Le truc genial des ecoles publiques anglaises (a part l'uniforme mais ca c'est une autre histoire), c'est que cote fournitures scolaires on a RIEN...
29 septembre 2007

Coussin d'anniversaire

Coussin d'anniversaire
Yes, another birthday, another cushions. The funny thing is that every time I make one as a present, someone sees it and I get an order for more. I think of it as the marketing cushion! Eh oui un autre anniversaire, une autre coussin. Le truc sympa c'est...
27 septembre 2007


Following my previous post about my very messy working desk, Miss BBCreation decided to show us hers and to categorise the stule of mess. I'am definitely a BB and you? Post a photo of your sewing corner if you dare! And send me a ligne so I can have a...
26 septembre 2007


We have a new inhabitant in our house. Her name is Lola (well, we think she is a girl ...). And my daughter made her a bed with the most precious thing she owes: Her softy. Well, that's before she trew the cat in the stairs... "well mum, you told me she...
26 septembre 2007


Right, the reason I have not been bloging recently is because I have nothing to show. Not that I am not working on anything (I am) but because I have started lots (too many) things and that they are ALL in a state of being unfinished. I do that all the...
19 septembre 2007

Vilains canards

Vilains canards
This is a commission for a very pregnant lady who wanted lavender sented ducks as a thank you present for the baby shower she is going to give soon. This is a more American tradition than an English one but it looks like it is catching here too. But as...
12 septembre 2007


Un petit mec bien sympa avait besoin d'un coussin pour son petit repos a l'ecole... A lovely little chap needed a cushion for his rest at school...
12 septembre 2007


That's it, it's finished. Pattern modified to become a jumper rather than a wraparound, never mind. We are just waiting for the birth of the little one now. Ca y est il est fini. C'est plus tellement une brassiere mais plutot un pull mais c'est pas grave....
6 septembre 2007

Rainy day

Rainy day
This is what we did during a rainy day this summer. All you need is a photo and a bit of imagination... Un petit bricolo qu'on a fait pendant une journee moche cet ete. Deux ingredients: Une photo et de l'imagination...
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