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Apple Juice
5 mars 2007

Petit Week-end

We went to Brussells to visit some friends this weekend and it was lovely. The kind of weekend where you disconnect entirely from reality, from THE routine. Not to mention my friend's great cooking, the pain au chocolat from Le Pain Quotidien, and a trip to Haagen Das. Aaahhh, we should do it more often. We did a bit of crafting with the kids. The peg dolls are not widely original, but I am always amazed at the effort and originality the kids put into them. It comes so easy for them. When do we, as adults, lose this natural sense of creativity and why? I am in danger of getting deep here so I will stop right now! On a passe le weekend a Bruxelles chez des amis et c'etait genial. C'etait le genre de weekend ou l'espace de 2 jours on est deconnecte de la realite et DU quotidien. Ca et les bons plats de ma copine, les pains au chocolat du Le Pain Quotidien, et une visite chez Haagen Das. Aaahhh, on devrait faire ca plus souvent. On a quand meme un peu bricole avec les enfants. J'avais ammene de quoi faire des "peg dolls" (j'ai aucune idee de comment on dit en francais!). Et je suis tourjours epate de l'effort et de l'originalite qu'il mette dans leur travail, sans aucun effort. Quand, en tant qu'adulte pert-t-on ce sens naturel de creativite et pourquoi. Bon, c'est un peu trop philosophique ce post, j'arrete! IMG_2848 Don't you like the cool skater with his super fashionable haircut and his skate board in his hand! Then it's a lovely lady with a really cool outfit complete with jewelry. The last two are soooo fashionable they don't even have a face (bless my 3 year old)