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Apple Juice

8 octobre 2008


Not sure I like cats anymore. Well it seemed like a good idea to get a cat especially for Thing 2 (new little names for my children: Thing 1 and Thing 2 as my husband calls them anyway. Yes he has read the Cat in the hat once too often it seems). Back...
4 octobre 2008

saturday again

saturday again
Déjà samedi???? Sauturday already? Les têtes de mort se font coquettes (fleurs au crochet: Ebay). The skulls like to look pretty (crochet flowers: Ebay).
27 septembre 2008


Samedi matin tranquille. Je couds pendant que les enfants sont partis faire des photos du système solaire dans leur fusée. La routine quoi.... Quiet Saturday morning. I am sewing whilst the children have gone to take pictures of the solar system in their...
15 septembre 2008

Activite d'automne

Activite d'automne
Le rituel du mois de septembre. Une des mille et une façon d'utiliser des kilos et des kilos de pommes! September routine. One of the thousand way to use pounds and pounds of apples!
13 septembre 2008

Coussin de rentree

Coussin de rentree
Before launching in the "massive" production for the sales, I have managed to sneak a bit of sewing for the house. And before you ask, no I did not appliquéd the babushka on the cushion, they did. The other cushion comes from Zara Home. Avant de me lancer...
3 septembre 2008

Getting ready

Getting ready
Zero work was achieved whilst the children were at home...but that did not stop me from from ordering the "odd" bit ready for the next few months. Orders plus craft markets should soften the blow of the kids going back to school. Yes I am one of these...
2 septembre 2008

Holidays at home #2

Holidays at home #2
Always high of our holiday list: crafting. And something fun to do in the summer (well...when there is a summer): painting in the garden. And I just happened to read this on the only sunny AND hot day of the summer, we shamelessly stole the...
2 septembre 2008

Holidays at home

Holidays at home
We have a small tradition (don't laugh). When on our last few days of our holiday away, I do a list with the kids of all the things they want to do before the start of school (anal perhaps but it avoids frustration on the first day of school). So there...
31 août 2008

C'etait bien...

C'etait bien...
On est de retour. Trois semaines de camping dans le sud ouest de la France a vivre au rythme du soleil et a oublier la routine de reste de l'annee. We are back. Three weeks camping in the south west of France living with the sun and forgetting about the...
25 juillet 2008

One more last one

One more last one
Another Simplicity 4589 made longer using Paul Smith fabric (it sounds posh doesn't it?!). I am off on holiday to manufacture memories for my children. See you soon. Un autre haut Simplicity 4589, rallonge fait avec du tissu Paul Smith (ça assure, non?!)....