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Apple Juice

29 avril 2007

Perfect day

Perfect day
Today was a "perfect day". do you know one of those days where everything turns out better that expectation without even trying. Well, today was one of those days: Morning spent at a car boot sales getting new plants for the garden. Lunch and afternoon...
27 avril 2007


Some mad photos to show you Miss new cardigan for the spring. Pattern from Junior Knit - Debbie Bliss Des photos un peu folles pour vous montrer le nouveau gilet de la Miss. Patron Tricot d'enfants - Debbie Bliss
27 avril 2007


Now that I have discovered the collage function on Picasa, there is no stopping me. This blog thing turns out to be a real adventure for me: Writing which I normally hate, taking photos which is more difficult than some other blogs make it look, technical...
24 avril 2007


Une petite mozaique pour Miss Fees Maison Ne rigolez pas mais c'etait, pour moi, une petite prouesse technique! Je suis fier de dire que je m'en suis sortie toute seule sans l'aide de MR ingenieur informatique de la maison. Bon d'accord, rigolez! Merci...
24 avril 2007

Eco bags

Eco bags
Two more bags ready for the summer market. I think I may have a theme going here.... Did you notice the writing on the second bag... It's my new sewing machine, I love it. Just slightly annoyed that my 7 year old worked out how to use the writing function...
23 avril 2007

Projets en cours

Projets en cours
As always, I start too many projects at once and therefore I don't have anything to show for ages and suddenly they all come together and it's a very satisfying feeling (I know, I live danderously). So today, I 'll show something old. I have done these...
21 avril 2007

Pour moi

Pour moi
As I got into sewing for my daughter, it suddenly occured to me that I could make a top for ME. Why is it that the minute you have kids, your brain is completly focused on their needs and you seem to forget that you may have some too (or maybe it's just...
16 avril 2007

More bags

More bags
In July, I will selling my stuff at a craft market in the middle of the high street where I live. This means lot of people so lot of stock needs sewing and given that my younger one does not nap anymore that's little time to get everything ready. But...
16 avril 2007

A bit about me

A bit about me
Just thought that it's time I told you a bit a bout me and my family. I am a bit of a glorified Brit. I am French and came to study in Wales many many years a go (well that's what it feels like anyway!) and..... I never went home. It's all because of...
12 avril 2007

Liberty (la suite)

Comme promis, j'ai ete faire du reperage Liberty a Liberty a Londres (ca sonne bizarre). Bref, moi je trouve ca cher. Je sais pas combien vous payez le metre en France mais ici a Liberty c'est 20 livres le metre soit en gros 30 euros! Bon ne desesperez...
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