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Apple Juice
15 novembre 2007

Still alive!

Still alive!
A combination of lots of sales and a new camera that gave me grief when it came to downloading the photos on the computer mean that I haven't bloged for like aagggeess. Please bear with me and I'll be back soon (I'm in France for a few days next week)...
28 novembre 2007

Non, non je bosse

Non, non je bosse
I have got a photo of a tunique I have finished for myself (another Japanese one). The photo is crap but as I have not blogging much recently, I felt I had to show you something! The truth is that as usual I have started a milion thing and none of it...
30 novembre 2007

9.35pm, we are ready

9.35pm, we are ready
What are all these boxes??? C'est quoi toutes ces boites??? A last minute effort this year.... The usual rule: An advent calendar that the kids could help make. December, you can come, we're ready (well, except for the fact that I have so far bought 0...
20 décembre 2007

Tunique japonaise 3eme (et derniere...)

Tunique japonaise 3eme (et derniere...)
I made this tunique for my little one. Same pattern as the previous ones. What can I say? it works so why change? Anyway, my plan was that she could wear it at Christmas, you know like to impress the relatives! So I proudly show it to her and guess what...
20 octobre 2007

10 years bis

10 years bis
For those who are wondering we got married at Portmeirion in Wales. And the winner is.....Miss Au Fil des Jours!!! And 10 years later, this is where we spent the day with the kids followed by watching France being beaten by the English, arrgghh. Pour...
28 janvier 2008

Going in business!

Going in business!
Right, I have been making these cushions for a while and again a while back my lovely husband made me a little diy website (because I don't have the budget or friends working in web design...). Up to now I did not have the time to promote it. So it was...
18 juillet 2008

laundry basket

laundry basket
Look what we found in the laundry basket this morning. We did not hear anything, she did it on her own. We are really proud of her. 3 babies on her first birthday! She is taking to motherhood like a pro and she is walking funny after giving...
19 avril 2008

100 Idees. Pour les bebes

100 Idees. Pour les bebes
aaaahhhh, babies. Just looking at these patterns make me want to have another one! aaaahhhh, les bébés. Rien qu'a regarder ces patrons, ça me donne envie d'en faire un autre! Don't you love that! C'est pas génial ça! This one special because I remember...
22 juillet 2008

Bientot le depart

Bientot le depart
Just like for the school dress, I decide that she NEEDS little dresses for the beach. She chose the fabric. She is a cool girl not a pretty girl as she tells me 10 times a day. Comme pour la robe d'école, je décide qu'elle a BESOIN de petites robes pour...
22 décembre 2007

Nearly there

Nearly there
Do you remember my to do list? Well, I am proud to report that I am more or less on schedule which is a miracle. Well I was until last night when I wen to pick up my mum at the airport. She started by missing her plane so picking her up later meant that...
26 avril 2009

Un peu tard...

Un peu tard...
C'était a pâques , la classe de thing 1 faisait le spectacle des derniers moments de Jésus (et oui école publique mais religion quand même). Et je vous le donne dans mille, qui etait Jesus? Thing 1. Ce qui est tres rigolo vu la famille non religieuse...
10 juin 2009


The blog world is great. See, thing 2 has done this drawing about 6 month ago, and I loved her little rainy cloud, and promised her I would turn it into a mobile.... Don't get me wrong, I honour my promises, it is just the time scale that often goes wrong....
15 février 2009

Hat Tutorial

Hat Tutorial
Thing 2 seems to rediscover her doll at the moment so you can imagine how quickly I got the needles out! This poor doll (called Lewis Hamilton...) really needed to keep warm... I do hope that the gentle mauve chosen will not scar his manhood... So as...
23 mai 2009


Un défi: utiliser ces bouts de tissus qui traînent.Une organisatrice: Adèle et son armoire bloquée.Et moi qui me suis bien amusée. The challenge: Using scraps of fabrics in a creationThe organiser: Adele et son armoire bloquee And me having fun with that...
25 octobre 2009


Et voila fallait bien que ça arrive, 4 bébés de notre entourage proche vont avoir 10 ans (inclus Thing 1...). Bon fallait fêter ça dignement, donc il fut decide qu'ils auraient tous leur t-shirt (la question etant comment des bebes peuvent rentrer dans...
4 janvier 2010

Dernier jour de vacances

Dernier jour de vacances
On en profite.... We are making the most of it.... On en profite.... We are making the most of it.... On en profite.... We are making the most of it.... On en profite.... We are making the most of it.... On en profite.... We are making the most of it.......
12 février 2010


Ca a commence avec ces chemises anciennes qu'une amie de ma mere m'a donne. Qu'en faire? C'est qu'il faut leur faire justice... elles sont precieuses. Alors je me dit, les mettre (pas possible), les teindre (peut etre), en faire un sac (possibilite) et...
29 avril 2007

Perfect day

Perfect day
Today was a "perfect day". do you know one of those days where everything turns out better that expectation without even trying. Well, today was one of those days: Morning spent at a car boot sales getting new plants for the garden. Lunch and afternoon...
18 décembre 2009

Bricolos enfantins #3

Bricolos enfantins #3
Une petite couronne très sympa a faire en origami. Thing 1 (10 ans) les fait tout seul (même mieux que moi, la honte...). Tuto ici (en anglais mais avec plein d'images pour les non fluent!). A little origami wreath much fun to make. Thing 1 (10) can make...
21 avril 2010


So the escape worked. Not that any of my worries got resolved (a couple more actually got added to the pile!) but they seem smaller which is something. I really feel for people who can't go on holidays. How do they make their worries smaller? And two...
22 décembre 2008

One for the road

One for the road
Just before hitting the road for France, I'll you with a very simple craft. Juste avant de prendre la route pour la France je vous laisse avec un petit bricolo. Ingredients: Talented artists/Des artistes de talent Glitter/Paillettes Sticky back plastic/Du...
12 septembre 2007


That's it, it's finished. Pattern modified to become a jumper rather than a wraparound, never mind. We are just waiting for the birth of the little one now. Ca y est il est fini. C'est plus tellement une brassiere mais plutot un pull mais c'est pas grave....
25 août 2010

This summer

This summer
An extraordinary familly reunion to celebrate the zero birthday on an island that I had been wanting to visit for a long long time. Une réunion de famille extraordinaire pour fêter les anniversaires des zéros (je te pique l'expression Claire) sur une...
20 octobre 2010

Cosy jumper

Cosy jumper
Les balades d'automne sont de saison et donc il faut un "gros" pull. Oui c'est obligatoire sinon la balade n'est pas aussi sympa. Autumn walked are calling so a "big" jumper is required. Yes it is compulsory otherwise the walk is not as good. Modele /Pattern:...
27 mai 2008

... and birds

... and birds
And the production line goes on with the birds! I don't know about you but as much as I enjoy the creative stuff, I find it quite relaxing to do the repetitive stuff. With a mind that goes on over drive very quickly (and that's an understatement!), the...
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