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Apple Juice
25 octobre 2008

Petit bricolo du weekend

Petit bricolo du weekend
- Take a sad hot water bottle (yes the seamstress can have bad backache!) - Prenez une bouillotte très triste (oui la couturière peut avoir très mal au dos!) - Remember that you have a favourite felted jumper somewhere - Se souvenir ou on a mis ce pull...
30 octobre 2008

Designer dress

Designer dress
Thing 2 is at it as well sewing her first designer dress! (Thanks Bernina and the magic button on the sewing machine allowing it to go at half speed). Thing 2 s'y met aussi, elle coud sa première robe design! (Merci Bernina et son bouton magique qui permet...
21 novembre 2008

Sock creatures

Sock creatures
This morning I get this in my letter box and inside amongst the clothes to buy I find this. I think they look fantastic and are pretty simple to make. The instructions to make them are here. Ce matin je reçois ça et a l'intérieur au milieu des vêtements...
2 septembre 2008

Holidays at home #2

Holidays at home #2
Always high of our holiday list: crafting. And something fun to do in the summer (well...when there is a summer): painting in the garden. And I just happened to read this on the only sunny AND hot day of the summer, we shamelessly stole the...
14 décembre 2008


Yes I know you are thinking what does she want to talk to us about Avent on the 14th of December. Well...let's say that life is controlling me at the moment and anyway the idea can be used next year? It was Thing 2's idea. Oui je sais, vous devez penser...
21 décembre 2008

Teachers rock!

Teachers rock!
She had bought one for her baby (forgot to take photo!) and she wanted one for her teacher husband. Both will received theirs as a surprise for Christmas. Elle en avait acheté une pour son bébé (oublie de prendre une photo!) et elle en voulait un pour...
25 janvier 2009

Ambiance tricot #2

Ambiance tricot #2
Quand on tricote pour thing 2, une capuche ça aide.... c'est cool. Modèle adopte. Patron américain acheté ici a faire avec des aiguilles circulaires... mais ça je sais vraiment pas faire, j'ai essaye et j'ai misérablement échoue... donc retour a la méthode...
13 décembre 2009

Bricolos enfantins #2

Bricolos enfantins #2
La couronne de noël.... façon pompons. La je vous venir, quoi faire plein de pompons mais ça va prendre des semaines... Donc pour ceux qui connaissent pas, un petit tuto en images sur la machine a ponpon. 5-10 min par ponpon promis. The Chirstmas wreath.......
4 avril 2010

oh la vie des fois....

oh la vie des fois....
Il y a des fois ou rien ne va. Aucun projet n'arrive a aboutir. Pas seulement un mais plusieurs en même temps. J'appelle ca les moments loser. C'est très énervant et démoralisant. Plusieurs solutions a ce problème:1 Tout laisser tomber2 Serrer les fesses...
20 décembre 2009

Bricolos enfantins #5

Bricolos enfantins #5
The candy cane, idea from this lovely book full of christmas craft for children. Easy peasy: two pipe cleanners a bit of twisting and voila. The "candy cane". Oui la les gars, il me manque des mots en francais.... Idee qui vient de ce chouette livre qui...
4 juin 2009


J'ai rien a me mettre is a monthly challenge, last month was the black dress this month is the liberty challenge. As I missed last month's one, I combine the two this month. A tunique for a family reunion in the sun. J'ai rien a me mettre est un challenge...
19 septembre 2009

hummm it has been a while since my last post....

hummm it has been a while since my last post....
hummm it has been a while since my last post.... oh dear. Why oh why it always takes so long to get my routine sorted after the sumer holidays? On top of that I am trying to sort out my winter sales which can be so time comsuming. I am running the risk...
16 janvier 2011

La bonne année

La bonne année
Une très belle année a celle ceux qui passent ici! J'adorais en savoir plus sur ceux qui passent mais qui ne laissent pas de commentaires (ce qui ne me gène pas d'ailleurs au passage) et les autres aussi d'ailleurs . Alors si ça vous tente, j'aimerai...
19 janvier 2011

La honte

La honte
Voila, quand je fais mes ventes, je me trimbalais toujours avec ce sac en papier. Indispensable pour transporter tout mon petit bazar (sacs, carnet, bolduc). Pour quelqu'un qui fait des sac, quelle honte.... Donc voila, c'est chose faite, j'ai maintenant...
21 novembre 2010


Activité en mode ralentie et en même temps hyper speed. Je m'explique: Thing 1 est a la maison pour deux semaines "sans" amygdales donc mega cocooning de mon grand. C'est incroyable comme l'instinct maternel animal reaparait en cas de crise. A 11 ans...
24 février 2011

Devinez quel age?!

Devinez quel age?!
Attention ceci n'est pas un concours et il n'y a rien a gagner! Disons que la journee a bien commence... et en bonne compagnie. This is not a competition and there is nothing to win! Let say that the day is looking good... and the company too. Credit...
28 février 2011


My half term project. A tallboy bought on E*B*A*Y.... let say a while back. It finally got a coat of paint. It houses all the kids craft stuff. Neutral outside as not to freak Mr British out but fun inside. The paper on the doors comes from Petit Pan....
7 février 2007

Favourite blogs

Favourite blogs
Sorry about all the typos in my first post, I was so nervous that I did not re-read what I had written. But then come to think of it I never do, nervous or not! So I guess you might have to put up with it. Today, I wanted to carry on with my tour of my...
9 février 2007

No, I am not broody

No, I am not broody
Last saturday, I was doing this market and I always like to take a little project while waiting for customers. As the sewing machine is not very practical, it's always knitting. The funny thing about knitting is that I always have a little bit of stage...
19 février 2007

The bag that was in my head

The bag that was in my head
Ages ago, there was this woman in the street with a fantastic bag. The picture of it has been stored somewhere in my head all that time, and FINALLY, today I got to make my version of what I saw. And for once, it turned out just about how I had pictured...
27 février 2007


Yesterday I was feeling beurgh, probably something to do with the fact that here it has been raining since I can't even remember when. So, anyway, I did what I do to sheer me up: I painted a wall. Ahhh, feeling much better. Don't get me wrong I haven't...
5 mars 2007

Petit Week-end

Petit Week-end
We went to Brussells to visit some friends this weekend and it was lovely. The kind of weekend where you disconnect entirely from reality, from THE routine. Not to mention my friend's great cooking, the pain au chocolat from Le Pain Quotidien, and a trip...
5 mars 2007

No chocolate

No chocolate
I haven't been crafting very much for myself because I have been busy with orders (which is good, we like orders). So I am showing you a cushion made for Easter to offer a little boy who can't eat chocolate. I am not sure the cushion will make up for...
8 mars 2007

Bibs and shoes

Bibs and shoes
My friend is having a baby like right now, so I made her a bib and shoes, like you do. You can find the tutorial for the shoes at Stardustshoes . As for the bib, I simply copied the shape of one I already had. I promise, i'll post the pattern as soon...
12 mars 2007


I thought that I should create a new categorie because I have realised that I do a fair amount probably worth mentioning: Customisation. And I love it because as I mentioned in an earlier post it's fast and satisfiying. It's ideal if like me you have...
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